
You Searched for:Country Program Evaluation or Partnership
Report/Evaluation Type:Project Level Evaluations (PPARs)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 38

Romania - Country partnership strategy completion report (CPSCR) review for the period FY2009-13 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY2009-FY2013 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), and the CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) of FY2012. The CPS was jointly implemented by IBRD and IFC, and this review covers the…

Romania: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines the relevance and efficacy of World Bank assistance to Romania. It covers the period following the fall of the Ceausescu regime in December 1989 through 2004. Over this…

Romania - Completion and learning review for the period of FY14-FY18 : IEG review

This review of the World Bank Group’s Completion and Learning Report (CLR) covers the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated November 3, 2016. The original CPS period (…

Romania - Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project under the Global Program for Avian Influenza (GPAI)

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Romania Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project under the Global Program for Avian Influenza (GPAI) Control. Prior…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Romania Case Study

This report presents the findings and conclusions of an international team that has reviewed the experience of Romania in implementing the principles of the Comprehensive Development Framework long-term, holistic…

Romania - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2006-FY2009 : IEG review

The Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) was presented to the Board in May 2006, shortly prior to Romania's scheduled European Union, or EU accession, and supported Romania's twin over-…

Romania: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

Romania is a lower middle income country with a per capita income of US$1,850 (Atlas method) in 2002 and a population of 22 million. The population has fallen over the last several years largely as a result of…

Romania - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2002-FY2004 : IEG review

The findings of the Romania CAS Completion Report (CCR) are in full accord with the findings of IEG's recent Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) on the essence of achievements under…

Evaluation of the World Bank's Assistance to Basic Education in Romania: Romania Country Study

In 2006, the Independent Evaluation Group issued From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: An Unfinished Agenda, which assessed the development effectiveness of World Bank assistance to improve countries' knowledge…

Romania - School Rehabilitation Project

Ratings of the Schools Rehabilitation Project for Romania are as follows: outcome was satisfactory, risk to the development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the Borrower performance was…