World Bank
Report Year
1st MAR Year

Pursue the recommended actions on poverty from the SCD through CPF country strategies.

Recommendation Adoption
IEG Rating by Year: mar-rating-popup N M NT NT Management Rating by Year: mar-rating-mng-popup N M NT NT
NANot Accepted
NRNot Rated
Findings Conclusions

Country strategies need to be underpinned by solid analysis. Building a portrait of national poverty drawn from data is a critical input into broad policy-making and strategy formulation.

Original Management Response

WB: Agrees. Under the new country engagement model, the SCD provides a critical input into the CPF formulation process, providing a necessary space for CMU to take into account the country's own development strategy, the client's demand and the Bank's comparative advantage.

Action Plans
Action 1
Action 1 Number:
Action 1 Title:
Action 6a:Undertake an analysis of an initial experience with SCD/CPFs exercise to look at approximately 20 early SCDs/CPFs. Mea
Action 1 Plan:

Action 6a:Undertake an analysis of an initial experience with SCD/CPFs exercise to look at approximately 20 early SCDs/CPFs. Measure extent to which SCD priorities translate into actions in the form of WBG’s engagement in the country, based on the planned areas of engagement envisioned in the CPFs.
Indicators: SCD/CPF analysis undertaken.
Baseline: not applicable
Target: Analysis undertaken based on approximately twenty early SCDs/CPFs.
Timeline: FY18

Action 2
Action 2 Number:
Action 2 Title:
Action 6b: Analysis of early experience with SCD/CPFs will assess ex post the alignment between the critical gaps identified in
Action 2 Plan:

Action 6b: Analysis of early experience with SCD/CPFs will assess ex post the alignment between the critical gaps identified in the SCD diagnostics and their addressing in the CPF instrument.
Indicator: No analysis exists
Baseline: Analysis undertaken based on the initial experience with early SCDs/CPFs.
Target: 20+ early SCDs/CPFs analyzed.
Timeline: FY18

Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:
No Updates
Management Update:
No Updates
IEG Update:

Action 6a: The action started with some delays, partly motivated by waiting for the IEG Early Stage Assessment of the World Bank Group Country Engagement model. In the Management Action Plan that followed that evaluation, Management commits to address some of the recommendations of the report. IEG recognizes that management is taking steps to analyze the alignment between the critical gaps identified in the SCD diagnostics and their addressing in the CPF. Management indicates that a methodology has been developed to categorize priorities according to official WBG sector and themes codes. This has not yet been shared with IEG. Management indicates that the analysis of the alignment will follow. Action 6b: An analysis of SCDs and CPFs to assess the extent to which SCD priorities translate into actions has not been carried out, but management indicates that it is ongoing. The Poverty GP is about to publish the SCD final stocktaking (as see Action 5), which is a precondition for Action 6b to take place.

Management Update:

0368-01 Action 6a: The Bank has taken the opportunity of IEG's evaluation of early experiences with SCD/CPF to reflect in detail on the issues raised and recommendations provided by the report. A detailed response was prepared that also reflected the views of Bank country teams. Bank management is preparing a MAR to address the report's recommendations. An analysis of SCDs and CPFs prepared since the inception of the new country engagement model until end-FY17 is ongoing, to assess the extent to which CPF areas of engagement are aligned with the identified SCD priorities.
0368-02 Action 6b: The SCD stocktaking exercise has been completed. It provides a systematic assessment of priority constraints identified by the first [30] SCDs. A similar stocktaking for CPFs is underway. To make SCD and CPF priorities comparable, a methodology to categorize them according to official WBG sector and theme codes has been developed by OPCS and the Global Knowledge Management team .The first step of the CPF stocktaking consists of identifying systematically CPF priorities for the first [40] CPFs, and will be concluded in Q2FY18. In a following step, SCD and CPF priorities will be compared to assess the degree of alignment between this set of SCDs and CPFs. A potential third step will be to compare SCD and CPF priorities with the WBG portfolio composition at the outset of each country engagement cycle. The stocktaking analysis is expected to be completed in Q4FY18. It is complemented by a survey of CPF TTLs conducted in FY17, which included questions on alignment between SCDs and CPFs.

IEG Update:

Action 6a. While an internal stocktaking of SCDs is well underway (as reported by management in recommendation 0367), no current analysis has yet been carried out of the extent to which SCD priorities translate into actions in the form of WBG's engagement in the country, based on the planned areas of engagement envisioned in the CPF. [IEG notes that, based on the documentation provided to support progress under 0367, the current SCD stocktaking does NOT assess systematically priority challenges identified by CPFs, as erroneously stated by management in this response. The SCD stocktaking analyzes priority areas identified by SCDs and data and knowledge gaps].

Action 6b. Similarly, an ex-post analysis of the alignment between the critical gaps identified in the SCD diagnostics and their addressing in the CPF instrument has yet to happen.

IEG raises for management consideration that the monitoring of this action by OPCS is not efficient, given that the stocktaking exercise and related analysis occurs under the Poverty GP in collaboration with DECDG.

Management Update:


Action 6b: Analysis of early experience with SCD/CPFs will assess ex post the alignment between the critical gaps identified in

An internal SCD stocktaking is about to be completed. The SCD stocktaking assesses systematically priority challenges identified by CPFs. Using this assessment as a basis, a forthcoming CPF stocktaking will analyze how CPF priorities compare to these SCD priority challenges. The results of the CPF stocktaking are expected to be available in Q1FY18.


Action 6a:Undertake an analysis of an initial experience with SCD/CPFs exercise to look at approximately 20 early SCDs/CPFs. Mea